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Royal Rangers Lite

Royal Rangers Lite is form of Royal Rangers that provides churches with an easier, simpler method of doing Royal Rangers that still achieves the core objectives of the program without the complexities of the program’s more robust features. “Lite” outposts still enjoy many of the same benefits as more “full featured” outposts but without the complexities of the advancement system, awards, and insignia, enabling them to conduct a Royal Rangers program that may be better suited to the needs and capabilities of their church.

Annual Program Planning

The Royal Rangers program provides churches with a powerful tool for developing boys into Christlike young men. But as with any program, the full benefits of the program are only achieved as the result of a well-planned and well-conducted process. A systematic process of planning and preparation is, therefore, essential to the success of any outpost.

Suggested Merits

The advancement trails for Discovery Rangers (grades 3-5), Adventure Rangers (grades 6-8), and Expedition Rangers (grades 9-12) are largely based on the completion of a specified number of skill merits. Groups may choose from a list of over 200 merits currently available. However, some merits require special facilities, gear, or expertise to teach effectively. In order to assist you in identifying merits that may be most suitable for new groups, we recommend the following. The lists below represent the popular merits that typically require little or no previous experience in that subject area, and require facilities and gear commonly available in most churches.

Healthy Outposts in the Smaller Church

The purpose of the Royal Rangers ministry is to reach boys with the gospel of Jesus Christ, connect them with Christlike men, and lead them through a process of growth into Christlike manhood. Our goal is that every boy be introduced to the Savior and brought to an understanding of His purpose for his life. But ministry leaders in smaller churches often face unique challenges that require them to implement their ministries in alternative formats that achieve their ministry objectives while working within the context of their environment.

Royal Ranger Pledge
With God's help I will do my best to serve God, my church, and my fellowman; to live by the ranger code; to make the Golden Rule my daily rule.
The Royal Rangers® name, clubs names, logos, emblems, and artwork are registered trademarks or copyright protected properties.

by The General Council of the Assemblies of God, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.