
In order to get your Royal Rangers program started right, you’ll need to select the right resources for your group.  The following is a brief summary of the resources you’ll need to get started.

Looking for a quick list of recommended resources to get started?  Check out our Startup Resources page.


Royal Rangers utilizes a combination of print and electronic curriculum components to achieve the optimum balance between flexibility, accessibility, and ease of use. Most of our curriculum is made available online through TRaCclub, our online resource delivery system, while some components are available in print or e-book format for ease of use.


TRaCclub includes a variety of materials primarily intended for use by local Royal Rangers leaders. However, boys or families may purchase memberships to TRaCclub as well if they choose to use the curriculum at home, outside of the regular weekly meeting. Many families use the Royal Rangers curriculum as part of their home schooling program as a means to further enhance their son’s education through the diversity of fun, hands-on skills. Others purchase memberships to help their son complete materials he may have missed in class or to complete additional work at home. In any respect, TRaCclub includes everything a leader needs to teach the Royal Rangers curriculum, including…

  • Weekly Meeting Guides – an outline for weekly Royal Rangers meetings
  • Skill Merit Activity Guides – material for teaching and learning content on a specific subjects, such as archery, backpacking, auto mechanics, model rocketry, or basketball
  • Bible Lessons – written specifically for today’s boy and young man, these Bible lessons serve as the core of the Royal Rangers discipleship process and serve as the focal point of the weekly meeting
  • Leadership Merits – provide instruction on leadership and teamwork skills with application projects to be completed by your group
  • A variety of other resources, such as award artwork, record keeping materials, supplies checklists, and additional devotions

For more information on TRaCclub, including sample content and a user’s guide, visit our TRaCclub page.

Printed curriculum items include:

  • Royal Rangers Leader Manual – a complete resource on the Royal Rangers program, including an overview of the weekly meeting, the advancement system, uniforms, training, and resources.
  • Ranger Kids Handbook – an introduction to Ranger Kids for boys in grades K-2.  Includes information on the Ranger Kids advancement trail, uniforms, etc.
  • Discovery Rangers Handbook – an introduction to Discovery Rangers for boys in grades 3-5.  Includes information on the seven experiences of Royal Rangers, the Discovery Rangers advancement trail, the patrol system, uniforms, and junior leader training.
  • Adventure Rangers Handbook – an introduction to Adventure Rangers for boys in grades 6-8.  Includes information on the seven experiences of Royal Rangers, the Adventure Rangers advancement trail, the patrol system, uniforms, and junior leader training.
  • Expedition Rangers Handbook – an introduction to Expedition Rangers for boys in grades 9-12.  Includes information on the seven experiences of Royal Rangers, the Expedition Rangers advancement trail, the patrol system, uniforms, and junior leader training.


Uniforms are one of the seven methods Royal Rangers uses to mentor boys into Christlike manhood.  But the form of uniforms your group uses is a matter of choice.  You are free to select the type of uniform that is most suitable for your church.  For more information on the uniform options available, see our uniforms page.

  • Utility Uniform – a full uniform with patches and insignia representing everything a boy or leader has accomplished in the program.
  • Special Uniform – a lower-cost option that represents your program without insignia and awards.  The special uniform can be a unique T-shirt, polo, or other shirt customized to represent your outpost.
  • Awards Vest – a versatile option that combines the full display of awards and accomplishments with the low cost & ease of use of a vest.

The awards & insignia worn on the Utility Uniform and the Awards Vest is defined by the Patch & Pin Placement Guide.  No awards or insignia are worn on the Special Uniform.


A variety of promotional materials are available to assist you in getting the word out about your program.

  • Royal Rangers Program Poster – The program poster provides a colorful display of the Royal Rangers Pledge, Code, Motto, points of the Emblem, and the Golden Rule. Boys are required to memorize many of these items as part of their advancement trail.
  • Something for Every Boy Poster – The smaller size of this poster makes it more suitable for display on a bulletin board, doorway, or other location where space is limited.
  • Live the Adventure Brochure – Written for parents, this brochure provides a brief introduction to Royal Rangers.
  • Advancement Awards Chart – This chart provides a complete overview of the entire Royal Rangers advancement system, from Ranger Kids through Expedition Rangers. It serves as a great way to show boys where they are in the advancement process and how all the pieces fit together.
  • Pledge, Code & Motto Postcards – Suitable for mailing, these postcards are a great way to communicate with your boys and leaders, or show appreciate to someone for supporting your program.
  • Advancement Tracking Charts – These large wall charts provide a visual display of each boys advancement progress.  Each chart has space for up to 15 boys.  Available for Ranger KidsDiscovery RangersAdventure Rangers, and Expedition Rangers.

These resources, uniforms, awards, promotional items, and other materials can be found in the Royal Rangers online store at To request a catalog please contact us at [email protected] or contact Gospel Publishing House at (855) 642-2011.

Royal Ranger Pledge
With God's help I will do my best to serve God, my church, and my fellowman; to live by the ranger code; to make the Golden Rule my daily rule.
The Royal Rangers® name, clubs names, logos, emblems, and artwork are registered trademarks or copyright protected properties.

by The General Council of the Assemblies of God, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.