Royal Rangers provides natural points of connection with the other ministries of your church to provide a comprehensive and mutually-supportive ministry plan.
- Royal Rangers provides CHILDREN’S MINISTRY with a hands-on, interactive ministry model that meets the unique needs and interests of boys, well-suited for a community outreach ministry.
- Royal Rangers provides YOUTH MINISTRY with a mechanism for reaching and retaining teen guys through high-adventure, guy-specific activities that give youth leaders the opportunity to connect with teen guys in an environment uniquely suited to their needs and interests.
- Royal Rangers provides MEN’S MINISTRY with a meaningful outlet for service where men can be engaged in powerfully impacting the next generation within a fun, hands-on, interactive environment that is appealing to both men and boys.
- Royal Rangers partners with GIRL’S MINISTRY by providing a boy-centered counterpart, enabling the church to provide a full-spectrum, gender-specific mentoring environment for both boys and girls.
- Royal Rangers supports MISSIONS MINISTRY by actively supporting Boys & Girls Missionary Challenge (BGMC), Speed-the-Light (STL), Pathfinder Missions, Royal Rangers International (RRI), and other missions efforts.