Get Started

Starting a new Royal Rangers outpost can be an exciting time. For church leaders who understand the value of the program and its potential impact on the lives of boys, starting a Royal Ranger program can be an invigoration experience of dreaming and vision casting of all the wonderful things God will do through your church and program. But as with any new endeavor, the success of your new outpost will depend largely on the foundations you lay during those early days of planning and preparation. Far too often, great ideas and exciting plans later fall by the wayside largely due to inadequate preparations early on. In order to ensure your program begins will a strong foothold please consider the following process for starting your program.

Getting Started Worksheet:  Use this handy worksheet to help your team walk through the process of getting your program started.

Quick Start Guide:  This 16-page magazine provides a printable version of the startup process described here.


Begin by learning all you can about Royal Rangers – its mission & purpose, objectives, structure, and curriculum. Explore the various options the program provides in selecting uniforms, leadership terminology, scheduling, and activities. Be sure you understand the purpose and objectives of the program and the methods Royal Rangers uses to accomplish those objectives. Then consider how those objectives relate to the objectives of your church and determine where your Royal Rangers program will fit within the framework of ministries within your church.

Be sure to include your Pastor in this learning & exploration process to ensure your program integrates well with the other ministries of your church.  Your Pastor is the primary keeper of the vision and mission of your church and should be kept well informed of your progress in starting this ministry.

Your best sources of information on Royal Rangers:


Next, begin the process of enlisting leaders and forming a leadership team. Cast the vision. Promote & explain the program. Define the parameters for leaders including what is required, how they will be supported, and the resources available to them to equip them for success. If potential leaders are hesitant to make open-ended or long-term commitments, ask for short-term commitments, such as 3-6 months, after which leaders are free to step out without pressure to remain. More often than not, once leaders get involved and see the value of the program and enjoy what they’re doing, they’ll want to stay beyond their initial commitment. Information concerning the leadership positions in Royal Rangers and the duties and responsibilities of each can be found in the Royal Rangers Leader Manual.

See also:  Qualifications for Royal Rangers Leaders


Conduct an informational meeting & orientation for your newly enlisted leaders. Gather your team together for a time of learning and vision casting. Share with them the information you gathered during your own learning time. Explain the mission & purpose of the program and the role each leader plays in accomplishing that mission. Focus on instilling your vision and inspiring your team to see the possibilities for all God can do to impact your church and community through your Royal Rangers program. Take care not to overwhelm new leaders with too much information early in the process. Let the process of learning take place over time through multiple meetings and training events.


Define the mission and objectives for your Royal Rangers program, in light of the overall objectives of the program. Make your Royal Rangers program YOUR program, something that fills the role your church leadership has defined for it. Once defined, your mission statement and objectives will serve as the benchmark by which everything your program does will be gauged. Know from the start why you exist, what you’re trying to accomplish, and how you plan to get there (and how you will know when you arrive). Define the specific attributes of your program – uniforms, leadership titles, group structure, meeting day-time-location, etc. Plan your first year program for all groups, including meeting features & activities. Determine how you will promote your program, keeping parents & the community informed of ongoing progress and upcoming events.


Identify and gather the resources necessary to support your program – Curriculumuniforms, supplies, promotional materials, etc. Review each resource to learn how it may best be used in your program. Refer to the Royal Rangers Catalog or the Rangers Online Store for a complete list of all resources available to you.

For a list of both essential & recommended resources for your new program, refer to our Startup Resources page.


Shout it out! Let the world know you exist! Look for ways to make your church and community aware of your program and its value and benefits. Define your target audience and tailor your message and methods to reach them specifically. Present your mission & objectives in clear & simple ways. Promote with enthusiasm and vision. Emphasize the fun boys will have, the activities they will enjoy, the new friendships they will develop, the ways parents can be involved with their boys, the benefits of boy-specific discipleship, etc.

At this point you may want to conduct a pre-launch informational meeting for parents, boys, and ministry leaders in your church to help everyone to understand the purposes and objectives of the program and what your outpost will look like.  Be prepared to answer questions about program costs, meeting times & locations, uniforms, activities and the way in which this ministry will operate in cooperation with other ministries in the church since this information will be very valuable to everyone involved.

Promotional Resources:


Start your program based on the plans you have made. Make sure your first meeting is a very good experience for everyone involved. Include opportunities for everyone to get to know one another, and provide a clear vision of where the outpost is going. A suggested guide for your first three meetings is available to assist you, if needed.


Once your program is up and running you’ll want to keep the momentum going by continuing to encourage your leaders and continually keeping in front of them the vision you all share. You’ll also want to continue to expand their knowledge of the program and develop their leadership skills by attending district and national leadership training events. Information on these events can be found by contacting your district leadership or the national Royal Rangers office. Get your group connected with other groups in your area by regularly participating in district events. Establish a process of feedback, evaluation, and adjustment to insure your program remains effective for the long haul.


Here’s an overview of the start-up process, stated again in brief:

  1. LEARN – Educate yourself on the purpose and methods of the program, as well as the options available for making your program fit the unique needs of your church.
  2. ENLIST – Build your leadership team and cast the vision for your ministry.
  3. EQUIP – Prepare your leaders for success by making sure everyone understands the purpose of the program and their role in achieving your objectives.
  4. PLAN – Make the core decisions that will define the details of your program.
    • Logistics – which groups will we have, meeting when & where, etc.?
    • Image – what will we look like? (uniforms, awards, & recognition)
    • Activities – what will we do, in meetings and beyond?
    • Budget – does funding affect any of these decisions?
  5. RESOURCE – Gather the materials needed to make your program successful.
  6. PROMOTE – Let the whole world know who you are, what you do, and why it matters.
  7. LAUNCH – Begin with a powerful start.
  8. MAINTAIN – Keep the momentum going by training your leaders and keeping them connected with others in their area for ongoing ideas and support.


Royal Ranger Pledge
With God's help I will do my best to serve God, my church, and my fellowman; to live by the ranger code; to make the Golden Rule my daily rule.
The Royal Rangers® name, clubs names, logos, emblems, and artwork are registered trademarks or copyright protected properties.

by The General Council of the Assemblies of God, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.